The plugin generates the following configuration files, some of which will only be generated after you first use this feature.
datas: The location for storing plugin data files. It will only be generated without using a database. Do not modify any content here.
items: The location for storing saved item files. It will only be generated after save any item with /shop saveitem command. Do not modify any content here.
languages: The location for storing language files. You can set the language file used by the plugin through the config-files.language option in the config.yml file. You can customize various messages within the plugin game through language files. It is not supported to display the corresponding language file based on the player client language. You can only display the same language for all players.
menus: The location for storing menu configuration files.
Many people seem to be confused about one thing: what you open through the /shop command is a menu, not a shop. If you want to set the slot for items in the shop menu, you should set it in the configuration file of the menu.
shops: The location for storing shop configuration files.
random_placeholders: The loaction for storing random placeholder configuration files.
conditional_placeholders: The location for storing conditional placeholder configuration files.
sell_sticks: The location for storing sell stick configuration files.
config.yml file: The location for main common settings for plugins.
generated-item-format.yml file: When using the /shop generateeitemformat command, we will parse the item you are holding into an ItemFormat and store the parsed ItemFormat content in this file.
XX_xx.json file: Localized files automatically generated through Localized Item Name feature. The name of this file is determined based on the localized language you have set for this feature, but it usually ends in .json.
XX.txt file: The transaction record file generated by the Log Transaction feature is named using the log-transaction.file option in the config.yml file.
Config.yml file content
It is recommend that you view this file at GitHub, becuase Wiki's config.yml maybe not latest. Click here to view this file on Github.
# UltimateShop by @PQguanfang
# Read the Wiki:
# Some options require restart the server to make effect.
debug: false
language: en_US
# Premium version only.
# After enable, we will autoload Minecraft locate file when we need know an item's locate name.
# It will make server little lag when loading this file because this file is very large.
enabled: true
generate-new-one: false
file: 'zh_cn.json'
# Paper only feature.
save-item: true
# For paper users, enable this option can use their API to directly get the skull, have the performance improve.
skull: true
menu-title: false
message: false
item: false
# Support Value: Bukkit or ItemFormat.
# For each product, you can add match-item section to make custom sell match method, for more info, please view Wiki.
sell-method: Bukkit
# Only support ItemFormat sell method.
require-same-key: false
- 'lore'
- 'damage'
- 'enchants'
- 'tool.damage-per-block'
- 'nbt.string.CustomNBTKey'
# Format: Shop ID;;Item ID
- 'hideshop;;A'
hide-message: true
# The min value here is 5, if you set value less than 5, we will auto set the cooldown to 5 tick.
# In ticks.
cooldown: 5
hide-message: true
display-calculate-multiplier: true
# Support value: LEFT, RIGHT and LEFT;;RIGHT
# Do not change this value unless you are know what you are doing!
click-type: RIGHT
max-amount: 128
# Support value: BUKKIT, SMART
# SMART will cost more server performance but will follow the vanilla max stack to give player item, also support check full.
give-method: BUKKIT
# Only support SMART give method.
check-full: false
# Recommend use when you are running big server, it will make player no longer quickly click
# and reopen shop menu to make sure UltimateShop not lag your server.
# In ticks.
click: -1
reopen: -1
ignore-click-outside: false
# Whether shop menu will refresh every 1 second.
# This will refresh placeholder that displayed in display item lore.
# But maybe lead to server lag if you have much online players, and they are all opening shop GUI.
update: false
# Whether shop menu will refresh every click in it.
# This will refresh placeholder that displayed in display item lore.
# But maybe lead to server lag if you have much online players, and they are all opening shop GUI.
click-update: false
size: 54
title: '&fSell All &7- Esc to confirm sell!'
black-slots: []
# Premium version only
enabled: true
# Support value: FLOODGATE, UUID
check-method: FLOODGATE
# If enabled, we will try to reopen shop menu after player successfully buy or sell products.
not-auto-close: true
# Make this option be empty to disable.
default: '&6Buy: {buy-price} &6| Sell: {sell-price}'
only-buy: '&6Buy: {buy-price}'
only-sell: '&6Sell: {sell-price}'
title: 'Select Amount: {item-name}'
name: 'Amount'
tip: 'Type amount here!'
title: 'Product Info: {item-name} x{amount}'
buy: 'Buy'
sell: 'Sell'
buy-more: 'Select Amount'
sell-all: 'Sell All'
# Remove this option if you don't want this button.
back: '&cBack'
menu: buy-more
max-amount: 64
menu: buy-more-buy
max-amount: 64
menu: buy-more-sell
max-amount: 64
enabled: true
menu: main
# Support value:
# Support use ;; symbol to make multi click type.
sell: 'RIGHT'
buy-or-sell: 'LEFT'
# If you want to disable select-amount feature, set this to NEVER.
select-amount: 'SHIFT_RIGHT;;SWAP_OFFHAND'
sell-all: 'DROP'
# buy-one-stack: 'SWAP_OFFHAND'
# Custom click actions for shop menu.
# Premium version only.
type: buy
shop: '{shop}'
item: '{item}'
amount: 64
default-reset-mode: 'NEVER'
default-reset-time: '00:00:00'
# This only works for CUSTOM type of reset mode.
default-reset-time-format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
default-reset-value: 0
enabled: true
scale: 2
# Premium version only.
# It will cost extra performance cost.
enabled: false
# If set to empty value, we will just print the log into console.
file: 'log.txt'
format: '{player} | {shop} | {buy-or-sell} | {item-name}x{amount} | {price}'
auto-set-first-product: true
# @+lower case means conditional lore, do not remove them here.
# Otherwise, the line without this will always display it.
- '@n '
- '@a&ePurchase: {buy-price}'
- '@b&eSell: {sell-price}'
- '@c&#FF7777Player Buy Stock: {buy-times-player}/{buy-limit-player}'
- '@d&#FF7777Server Buy Stock: {buy-times-server}/{buy-limit-server}'
- '@e&#FF7777Player Sell Limit: {sell-times-player}/{sell-limit-player}'
- '@f&#FF7777Server Sell Limit: {sell-times-server}/{sell-limit-server}'
- '@g '
- '@g&#ff3300cCan not buy more!'
- '@g&8Refresh Time: {buy-refresh-player}'
- '@i '
- '@i&#ff3300Sold Out!'
- '@i&8Refresh Time: {buy-refresh-server}'
- '@h '
- '@h&#ff3300Can not sell more!'
- '@h&8Refresh Time: {sell-refresh-player}'
- '@j'
- '@j&#ff3300Can not sell more for server!'
- '@j&8Refresh Time: {sell-refresh-server}'
- '@n '
- '@a{buy-click}-b'
- '@b{sell-click}-b'
- '@k&#FFFACDRight-Shift click to pick amount!-b'
- '@b&#FFFACDDrop (Q key) to sell all!-b'
- '@n&c&l:( Can not do this-i'
- '@a&cThis item can not be sold-i-m'
- '@b&cThis item can not be purchased-i-m'
# If enabled, we will auto add conditional placeholder at all price amount.
# This can avoid the need to add the discount option in the amount options for each price.
enabled: false
buy-placeholder: buy
sell-placeholder: sell
black-dynamic-price: true
- 'example'
# We will try adds dynamic up or down symbol for all dynamic price placeholder.
# Please note that in your dynamic price amount option, first number must be the base price.
# If you made the dynamic price according to the Wiki's instructions, then there is no problem at all.
enabled: true
# If enabled, we will try change {amount} in price placeholder option to the value you set here.
enabled: false
replace-value: '%formatter_number_format_{amount}%'
# Premium version only
up: '↑'
down: '↓'
same: '-'
# Premium version only
# If disabled, status placeholder will only display in shop GUI.
# For sell all, sell stick etc. still can not use status placeholder because it will sell not only 1 type product
# and we can not know whether total price is cheaper or higher.
can-used-everywhere: false
scale: 0
# If your server never use dynamic value in prices or similar things, you can set this option to false.
# This will improve little plugin performance.
can-used-in-amount: true
format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
never: "Never"
# Premium version only
with-day-format: "{d}d {h}h {m}m {s}s"
without-day-format: "{h}h {m}m {s}s"
never: "Waiting for next refresh"
split-symbol-any: ', '
split-symbol-all: ', '
replace-new-line-symbol: ', '
unknown: "Unknown"
unknown-price-type: "Unknown Price Type"
empty: "Price is empty!"
# If enabled, {buy-click} and {sell-stick} will display different value according to product status.
# But, it will maybe make server lag if you are running big server and have many products in your shop.
enabled: false
buy: '&#FFFACDLeft-click to buy!'
sell: '&#FFFACDRight-click to sell!'
buy-with-no-sell: '&#FFFACDClick to buy!'
sell-with-no-buy: '&#FFFACDClick to sell!'
buy-max-limit-player: '&#ff3300You can not buy more!'
buy-max-limit-server: '&#ff3300SOLD OUT!'
sell-max-limit-player: '&#ff3300Can not sell more!'
sell-max-limit-server: '&#ff3300THIS ITEM CAN NOT BE SOLD!'
buy-price-not-enough: '&#ff3300Do not have enough money to buy!'
sell-price-not-enough: '&#ff3300Do not have enough item to sell!'
error: '&#ff3300Error!'
buy-condition-not-meet: '&#ff3300Not meet the buy condition!'
sell-condition-not-meet: '&#ff3300Not meet the sell condition!'
# Premium version only.
infinite: "&cInfinite"
enabled: false
jdbc-url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ultimateshop?useSSL=false&autoReconnect=true"
jdbc-class: "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
user: root
password: 123456
# Premium version only.
enabled: false
economy-plugin: Vault
amount: 200
placeholder: '{amount} Coins'
hook-plugin: MMOItems
hook-item: AXE;;TEST_AXE
amount: 1
placeholder: '{amount} Mythic Axe'
products-key: 'products-conditions'
buy-prices-key: 'buy-prices-conditions'
sell-prices-key: 'sell-prices-conditions'
display-item-key: 'display-item-conditions'
enabled: true
hide-message: false
period-tick: 6000