
The compatibility of plugins mainly includes hooks for item plugins and economy plugins. Unlike other plugins of the same type, we can support them regardless of their appearance. There are two methods to support them: direct compatibility and indirect compatibility.

Direct compatibility

Direct compatibility refers to the use of item plugins or the economy of economic plugins directly in ItemFormat or EconomyFormat. This compatibility method is the simplest and officially supported.

Directly supported item plugins list

  • ItemsAdder

  • Oraxen

  • EcoItems

  • EcoArmor

  • MMOItems

  • MythicMobs

  • eco

  • NeigeItems

  • ExecutableItems

  • Nexo

Directly supported economy plugins list

  • PlayerPoints

  • CoinsEngine

  • UltraEconomy

  • EcoBits

  • PEconomy

  • RedisEconomy

  • RoyaleEconomy

  • VotingPlugin

The following provides an example of directly obtaining items from the ItemsAdder plugin through the direct compatibility feature in ItemFormat and using economy from Vault plugin in EconomyFormat:

    price-mode: CLASSIC_ALL
    product-mode: CLASSIC_ALL
        hook-plugin: ItemsAdder # Item Format
        hook-item: fishing_pack:common_fishing_bait # Item Forma
        economy-plugin: Vault # Economy Format
        amount: 5
        start-apply: 0
        placeholder: '&65 Coins'

Directly supported protection plugins list

If players do not have permission to open container within these protection plugins areas, UltimateShop can prevent players use sell stick in these areas.

  • BentoBox

  • Dominion

  • GriefPrevention

  • HuskTowns

  • HuskClaims

  • Lands

  • PlotSquared

  • Residence

  • Towny

  • WorldGuard

Indirect compatibility

Indirect compatibility refers to the flexible use of various features of plugins to enable them to associate with these plugins.

  • Save Item: We telled you a command called /shop saveitem at Commands page, we also telled you can set material option in Item Format to the save item ID you was set to use them.

  • Buy Actions: We telled you a option called buy-actions in shop configs at Shops page. In Actions page, we also telled you we support use command in actions, so just use the give item command here, all is done.

  • Give Actions: We telled you this feature at Single Things page which is very similar to Buy Actions. What's more, we even give you an example at that page.

Example: Use for not supported item plugins as products

In this example, we first fill in the ItemFormat through the display item option to describe the item from an incompatible plugin, so that players can see what the item looks like in the menu.

In the products option, we use the Custom Sell Match feature, which allows us to flexibly set the rules for selling matches for this item, such as contains lore, etc. Then, we use give-actions format to execute the item give command, so that player can obtain this item after buy.

      material: APPLE
      # You can hold the item and type command /shop generateitemformat to get the ItemFormat here.
        # Sell Match
            - 'test1'
        # Buy Give Command
            type: console_command
            command: 'items give {player} {amount}'
            type: message
            message: 'test message'
        amount: 64

If you use the Paper server and the item is fixed (the items generated each time are identical), you can use the Save item function: you only need to use the /shop saveitem command, then use the material option in ItemFormat, and fill in the ID of the save item in this option.

Example: Use for not supported economy plugins as prices.

In this example, we mainly flexibly implemented different types of single thing and give-actions options, whose functions can be found on the Products page. Specifically, assuming the player purchases this product, the match-placeholder in buy options is used to determine if the player has enough economy. If it meets the requirement, the player will receive an apple. As a result, the give-actions will be executed and the player's economy will be taked. Similarly, during selling, as the player obtains the sell price, the give-actions in the sell price will be executed, and therefore the player will receive economy.

        # The product
        material: APPLE
        # Buy Give Command
            type: console_command
            command: 'eco take {player} {amount}'
        amount: 64
        # Buy Match Placeholder
        match-placeholder: '%economy_now_balance_placeholder%'
        amount: 500
        # Sell Give Command
            type: 'console_command'
            command: 'eco give {player} {amount}'
        amount: 500

NeigeItems: Item Name Translation Hook

Through this hook, the localized names of vanilla items can be automatically displayed in the language set in NeigeItems.

Download NeigeItems here: https://github.com/ankhorg/NeigeItems-Kotlin/releases

You should download NeigeItems-xxx.jar (not NeigeItems-api), the file lager than 10MB.

Install it in your server.

All is done! Now plugin will auto display localized item name for now.

MythicChanger: Extra Item Format option

Through this hook, based on the ItemFormat, items can be further modified to their desired appearance.

This feature require your server must install MythicChanger plugin, please get it here:

FREE: Click to download

PREMIUM: Click to download

For how to configure the change-item section, please read MythicChanger's wiki, click here to visit. Please note that some of the change rules require PREMIUM version of MythicChanger, not PREMIUM version of UltimateShop!

If you are using premium version of MythicChanger, it will allow you use custom NBT tag by adding nbt-xxx rule here. You can also use /mc viewnbt command to view the hold item NBT info.

  set-name: '&fGood Diamond Sword'

AdvancedEnchantments: Extra Item Format option - Premium

Through this hook, based on the ItemFormat, items can have custom enchantments from AdvancedmentEnchantments.

Plugin like EcoEnchants, ExcellentEnchants are vanilla enchants like plugin, you just need to put their enchantment ID to enchants option in ItemFormat.

You can use plugin-enchants option to add plugin enchants for your item.

  PLANTER: 5 # A AdvancedEnchantments enchantment

MythicChanger: Custom Item Match

Custom Item Match Method feature requires MythicChanger.

PlaceholderAPI: Extra placeholders

UltimateShop provides those new placeholders to PlaceholderAPI, for more info, please view this page.

Last updated