🎬Action Format
The action format will consist of several options.
The actions
in the Action Format example only represent Action Format from now on. Please refer to the page description of the corresponding function for specific option names, such as buy-actions
General Options
Apply Times
This action will run only when player have buy/sell spcified times product.
start-apply: Start which times this action will apply. Optional. Default to 0.
end-apply: Last times the action will apply. Optional. Default to infinite.
apply: Which times this action will apply, format:
. Optional. Default use start-apply option value.
Sell All Once / Multi Once
When multiple products are about to be sold, adding this option means that only the first product's action will be executed. Very useful for sounds action, if you didn't add this, all product's sound action will execute.
Open Once
Only work for menu's open-actions option, if enabled, only the menu opened by the player for the first time will trigger this action, which means that if the opened menu was opened through another menu, this action cannot be triggered.
Click Type
This action only executed when player use this click type to active this action. Won't work for open-actions
, close-action
in menu configs and buy-actions
, sell-actions
in product configs.
Available Placeholders
{item} - Product ID
{item-name} - Product Display Name
{shop} - Shop ID
{shop-name} - Shop Display Name
{shop-menu} - Shop's Menu ID
Send sound to player.
Send a message to the player, support color code.
Send a message to all online players, support color code.
Give players potion effect.
Teleport player to specified location.
Player Command
Make the player excutes a command.
Op Command
Make the player excutes a command as OP.
Console Command
Make the console excutes a command.
Spawn vanilla mobs
Spawn vanilla mobs.
MythicMobs spawn
Require MythicMobs.
Open Common Menu
Open specified common menus.
Open Shop Menu
Buy Product
Sell Product
Close the inventory.
Delay - Premium
Make the action run after X ticks.
Chance - Premium
Set the chance the action will be excuted, up to 100. 50 means this action has 50% chance to excute.
Any - Premium
Randomly choose specified amount of actions to execute.
Conditional - Premium
Only players meet the conditions you set here will be able to execute the action.
Connect - Premium
Require enable bungeecord-sync.enabled
option in config.yml and correctly set the BungeeCord settings. For more info, please view Multi Server Sync page.
Last updated