⚖️Condition Format
The condition format will consist of several options.
The conditions
in the Condition Format example only represent Condition Format from now on. Please refer to the page description of the corresponding function for specific option names, such as buy-conditions
General Options
Apply Times
This condition will only check when player have buy/sell spcified times product.
start-apply: Start which times this condition will apply. Optional. Default to 0.
end-apply: Last times the condition will apply. Optional. Default to infinite.
apply: Which times this condition will apply, format:
. Optional. Default use start-apply option value.
Click Type
This condition only checked when player use this click type to use the button.
Available Placeholders
{item} - Product ID
{item-name} - Product Display Name
{shop} - Shop ID
{shop-name} - Shop Display Name
{shop-menu} - Shop's Menu ID
Player must be in the world.
Player must be in the biome.
Player must has the permission.
Remember that OP players will always have all permissions unless plugin set it not by default, so if you want to test this condition, you have to deop yourself.
Player must be meet the placeholder condition.
Rule can be set to:
== (String)
= (Number)
!= (Number or string)
!*= (Number or string) Not contains.
*= (String) Contains, for example, str *= string is true, but example *= ple is false.
Any - Premium
Not - Premium
Last updated