➗Math Calculate Format

Unlike most plugins, UltimateShop allows you to fill in the Placeholder API and mathematical calculation format in almost all options applicable to numbers, making it easy to set the price, buy/sell limits, and more you want.

List of match calculate format

max - Compare two number and return bigger value. (max(4,5))

min - Compare two number and return smaller value. (min(4,5))

() - Create a parenthetical expression which will be evaluated first (3 * (4 + 1))

$ - Denotes a variable ($1 / 3)

e - Euler's constant (log(e))

pi - pi (sin(pi))

+ - Add two numbers (1 + 1)

- - Subtract two numbers, or negate one (3-2, -(4+2))

/ - Divide two numbers (3 / 4)

* - Multiply two numbers (2 * 3)

^ - Raise one number to the power of another (3^3)

% - Take the modulus, or division remainder, of one number with another (7 % 4)

abs - Take the absolute value of a number (abs$1, abs-1)

round - Rounds a number to the nearest integer (round1.5, round(2.3))

ceil - Rounds a number up to the nearest integer (ceil1.05)

floor - Rounds a number down to the nearest integer (floor0.95)

rand - Generate a random number between 0 and the specified upper bound (rand4)

log - Get the natural logarithm of a number (log(e))

sqrt - Get the square root of a number (sqrt4)

cbrt - Get the cube root of a number (cbrt(8))

sin - Get the sine of a number (sin$2)

cos - Get the cosine of a number (cos(2*pi))

tan - Get the tangent of a number (tanpi)

asin - Get the arcsine of a number (asin$2)

acos - Get the arccosine of a number (acos0.45)

atan - Get the arctangent of a number (atan1)

sinh - Get the hyperbolic sine of a number (sinh(4))

cosh - Get the hyperbolic cosine of a number (sinh(4))

true - Boolean constant representing 1

false - Boolean constant representing 0

= - Compare if two numbers are equal (1 = 1 will be 1, 1 = 3 will be 0), also accepts ==

!= - Compare if two numbers are not equal (1 != 2 will be 1, 1 != 1 will be 0)

> - Compare if one number is greater than another (1 > 0)

< - Compare if one number is less than another (0 < 1)

>= - Compare if one number is greater than or equal to another (1 >= 1)

<= - Compare if one number is less than or equal to another (0 <= 1)

| - Boolean or (true | false), also accepts ||

& - Boolean and (true & true), also accepts &&

! - Boolean not/inverse (!true)

Last updated