🔴Dynamic Price Status - Premium

Dynamic Price Status

You can use {status} placeholder in price section's amount option, like this:

        economy-plugin: Vault
        amount: '550+{buy-times-server}*0.2-{sell-times-server}*0.1'
        max-amount: 5500
        min-amount: 325
        placeholder: '&6{amount} Coins {status}' # <--- We use {status} here.
        start-apply: 0

Please note that to use this placeholder, you have to make sure in amount option, the first number is base price. Like here, 550 is the base price.

You can also enable add-status-in-dynamic-price-placeholder option in config.yml to let plugin auto add this for you, you don't need have to manually add the placeholder at each price placeholder!

Available Placeholders

  • {base} - The base price of dynamic price. The first number in amount option will be consider as base price.

  • {compare} - The now price.

Those placeholders will also available in {compare_<xxx>} placeholder.

Display Percentage Change

If your math is good enough, I think you can easily find the formula for the percentage of the base price and the current price. If your math is not that good, then I can give you the formula.

Find those content in config.yml and change it like me:

  # Premium version only
    up: '↑ &c+{math_(({compare}-{base})/{base}) * 100}% Debug: {compare} {base}'
    down: '↓ &a-{math_(({base}-{compare})/{base}) * 100}% Debug: {compare} {base}'
    same: '-'


Last updated