Crunch - Math Calculate

max - Compare two number and return bigger value. (max(4,5))

min - Compare two number and return smaller value. (min(4,5))

() - Create a parenthetical expression which will be evaluated first (3 * (4 + 1))

$ - Denotes a variable ($1 / 3)

e - Euler's constant (log(e))

pi - pi (sin(pi))

+ - Add two numbers (1 + 1)

- - Subtract two numbers, or negate one (3-2, -(4+2))

/ - Divide two numbers (3 / 4)

* - Multiply two numbers (2 * 3)

^ - Raise one number to the power of another (3^3)

% - Take the modulus, or division remainder, of one number with another (7 % 4)

abs - Take the absolute value of a number (abs$1, abs-1)

round - Rounds a number to the nearest integer (round1.5, round(2.3))

ceil - Rounds a number up to the nearest integer (ceil1.05)

floor - Rounds a number down to the nearest integer (floor0.95)

rand - Generate a random number between 0 and the specified upper bound (rand4)

log - Get the natural logarithm of a number (log(e))

sqrt - Get the square root of a number (sqrt4)

cbrt - Get the cube root of a number (cbrt(8))

sin - Get the sine of a number (sin$2)

cos - Get the cosine of a number (cos(2*pi))

tan - Get the tangent of a number (tanpi)

asin - Get the arcsine of a number (asin$2)

acos - Get the arccosine of a number (acos0.45)

atan - Get the arctangent of a number (atan1)

sinh - Get the hyperbolic sine of a number (sinh(4))

cosh - Get the hyperbolic cosine of a number (sinh(4))

true - Boolean constant representing 1

false - Boolean constant representing 0

= - Compare if two numbers are equal (1 = 1 will be 1, 1 = 3 will be 0), also accepts ==

!= - Compare if two numbers are not equal (1 != 2 will be 1, 1 != 1 will be 0)

> - Compare if one number is greater than another (1 > 0)

< - Compare if one number is less than another (0 < 1)

>= - Compare if one number is greater than or equal to another (1 >= 1)

<= - Compare if one number is less than or equal to another (0 <= 1)

| - Boolean or (true | false), also accepts ||

& - Boolean and (true & true), also accepts &&

! - Boolean not/inverse (!true)

Last updated