Economy Format

Hook Economy

Hook economy use format as below:

  • economy-plugin: What plugin you want this price economy hook into, for now, UltimateShop supports Vault, GamePoints, PlayerPoints, CoinsEngine, UltraEconomy, EcoBits, PEconomy, RedisEconomy, RoyaleEconomy, VotingPlugin. Required.

  • economy-type: If economy plugin is multi-currency economy plugin, you have to type currency name here. Required if you set a multi-currency plugin, otherwise it's optional.

  • amount: Price Amount. Required.

  • max-amount: Max amount, useful for dynamic prices. Optional.

  • min-amount: Min amount, useful for dynamic prices.Optional.


    economy-plugin: Vault
    # If you set Economy plugin to CoinsEngine, then:
    # economy-plugin: CoinsEngine
    # economy-type: Coin
    # Yeah, you need add economy-type option here because its a multi-currency plugin.
    # For this, players will always cost 5$.
    amount: 5
    placeholder: '$5'

Vanilla Economy

Vanilla economy use format as below.

  • economy-type: Supports exp, levels. Required.

  • amount: Price Amount. Required.

  • max-amount: Max amount, useful for dynamic prices. Optional.

  • min-amount: Min amount, useful for dynamic prices.Optional.


    economy-type: levels
    amount: 5
    placeholder: '5 levels'

Last updated