
An example shop file is here:

  menu: 'example-shop-menu'
  buy-more: true
  shop-name: 'Food Shop'
  hide-message: false
  # This means all products in this shop will use this price mode and product mode.
  # unless they have set other value.
  price-mode: CLASSIC_ANY
  product-mode: CLASSIC_ANY
  # Support all product options, like prices, products, limits and so on!
      type: sound
      sound: block.note_block.bass
    display-name: "Apple"
    price-mode: ANY
    product-mode: ALL
        material: APPLE
        amount: 1
        material: BREAD
        amount: 5
            type: permission: 
            permission: ''
            type: message
            message: 'Wow, seems that you are a VIP player, so we bonud give you 5 breads!'
        economy-plugin: Vault
        amount: 200
        placeholder: '{amount} Coins'
        start-apply: 0
        economy-plugin: PlayerPoints
        amount: 10
        placeholder: '{amount} Points'
        start-apply: 5
        economy-plugin: Vault
        amount: 50
        placeholder: '{amount} Coins'
        economy-plugin: PlayerPoints
        amount: 1
        start-apply: 5
        placeholder: '{amount} Points'
            type: message: 
            message: 'Wow, seems that you have already sell 5 apples!'
        type: player_command
        command: 'say %player_name% purchased an Apple!'
        type: announcement
        message: '&7%player_name% purchased an Apple!'
      material: BREAD
      name: '&cSuper Bread'
    display-name: "Bread"
      - '@a&ePurchase: {buy-price}'
      - '@b&eSell: {sell-price}'
      hide: false
      icon: 'url;;'
    buy-more: true
      menu: buy-more-2
      max-amount: 16
    price-mode: ANY
    product-mode: ALL
        material: BREAD
        amount: 1
        economy-plugin: Vault
        amount: 200
        placeholder: '{amount} Coins'
        start-apply: 0
        economy-plugin: PlayerPoints
        amount: 10
        placeholder: '{amount} Points'
        start-apply: 5
        economy-plugin: Vault
        amount: 50
        placeholder: '{amount} Coins'
        economy-plugin: PlayerPoints
        amount: 1
        start-apply: 5
        placeholder: '{amount} Points''
      global: 100
      default: 10
      test-condition: 20
        - 'permission: test.permission'
    buy-limits-reset-mode: 'TIMED'
    buy-limits-reset-time: '00:00:00'
      material: arrow
      name: '&cPrevious page'
        - '&7Click to view previous page!'
      - 'shop_menu: crops'    


  • menu: Shop menu name, which means menu file name.

  • buy-more: Whether product in this shop can open buy more menu.

  • shop-name: Shop display name, which used in {shop-name} placeholder.

  • hide-message: Whether we hide the messages that will send after player buy or sell items in this shop.

General Configs

The product configuration options set here will apply to all products. For buy-action, sell-actions and fail-actions, we will auto merge the value set here and in product configs.


Items is products, product can not only be real items, but also virtual items, like 100 gems economy.

Items ID / Product ID

Product ID must be a single char, because we need use them in shop menu layout option.

  • display-item: Product display item in shop menu, it can be different from the real item player will obtain after purchase. For virtual items, you must set display-item here, otherwise they can not be displayed in GUI. For real items, you must enable auto-set-first-product option under display-item section to let you remove this section, after enable, if display-item is not set, the first product real items will be used as display item. This section use Item format. Optional (if not set, will use first products)

    • display-item.modify-lore: Whether we will modify display item lore. Optional (default to true)

  • display-name: Set product display name in {product} placeholder and buy more menu display item. Optional.

  • add-lore: Set special display item add lore for this product, if not set, we will use default value set in config.yml. Optional.

  • bedrock: View this page.

  • buy-more: Set whether this product can open buy more menu, you must delete shop's buy-more option to make this option has effect! Optional.

  • buy-more-menu: Set up separate buy more menu settings for the product. Optional. Require 2.2.10+ version.

  • price-mode: Support ANY, ALL, CLASSIC_ANY, CLASSIC_ALL. Required.

  • product-mode: Same as above. Required if you have products section.


Product Give

Give random products that meet conditions.

Give all products.

Same as ANY.

Same as ALL.

Product Take (mean sells)

First product that we found player inventory have.

Players must have all products to sell.

Same as ANY.

Same as ALL.

Price Take

First prices meet the amount requirements.

All prices meet the amount requirements.

Same as ANY.

Same as ALL.

Price Give (means sell)

First prices meet the condition requirements.

All prices will be given.

Same as ANY.

Same as ALL.

Price Support

Support dynamic price & apply option.

Same as ALL.

Price must be same at everytime, or you have to disable buy-more menu in shop config.


Server Performances

Maybe high when you have much buy/sell requests.

Same as ALL.

Low, just like other shop plugins doing!


  • products: Product items. Support Item format and Economy format. You can also add Custom Sell Match Method here. Optional. If not set, player won't get anything after buy/sell. Useful for command shop.

    • products.conditions: Player must meet the condition to use this product. For more info, please view Single Things page.

    • products.give-actions: The action will run after this product is been give to player, see Action for more info. Optional. For more info, please view Single Things page.

    • products.give-item: Whether we will give this product item to player when he trying to buy.

  • buy-prices: Product buy prices. Support Item format and Economy format. You can also add Custom Sell Match Method here. Optional. If not set, product can not be purchased.

    • buy-prices.start-apply: Start which times this price will apply. Optional. Default to 0.

    • buy-prices.end-apply: Last times the price will apply. Optional. Default to infinite.

    • buy-prices.apply: Which times this price will apply, format: [1,2,3,4]. Optional. Default use start-apply option value.

    • buy-prices.placeholder: Price display name in {price} placeholder. Optional. Default unknown language key.

    • buy-prices.conditions: Player must meet the condition to use this price. Optional. Default don't have any conditions. For more info, please view Single Things page.

  • sell-prices: Product sell prices. Support Item format and Economy format. You can also add Custom Sell Match Method here. Optional. If not set, product can not be selled.

    • sell-prices also support all sub options like in buy-prices.

    • sell-prices.give-actions: The action will run after this sell price is been give to player, see Action for more info. Optional. For more info, please view Single Things page.

  • buy-actions: The action will run after buy this product, see Action for more info. Optional.

  • sell-actions: The action will run after sell this product, see Action for more info. Optional.

  • fail-actions: The action will run if we fail to buy or sell this product, see Action for more info. Optional. In example above we put this on general-configs and set it as a fail sound.

  • buy-conditions: The condition player need to meet to buy this product, see Condition for more info. Optional.

  • sell-conditions: The condition player need to meet to sell this product, see Condition for more info. Optional.

  • buy-limits: Set the maximum times of buy/sell times. Optional. If not set, product can be purchased with unlimited times.

    • Global limit. Optional.

    • buy-limits.default: If player don't meet any condition set below, they will use this limit. Required if you have set buy-limits.

  • buy-limits.<Condition ID>: Players who meet this condition will use this limit. Condition format can be found at Conditions. For example:

  default: 10
  vip: 20
    - 'permission: test.permission'
  • buy-limits-reset-mode: Support NEVER, TIMER, TIMED. If buy-limits section exists and this option does not exist, we will use default value which set in config.yml file. Required if you have set buy-limits.


Refresh Rule

Will reset use times every (first)XX hours, (second)XX minutes, (third)XX second you set here.

Will reset each day time (first)XX:(second)XX:(third)XX.

  • buy-limits-reset-time: See above to know more, format is XX:XX:XX. If buy-limits section exists and this option does not exist, we will use default value which set in config.yml file.

For example, you set reset-time to 15:00:00, and now time is 2023-09-04 12:00:00.

For TIMER: Will reset after 15 hours, which means 2023-09-05 03:00:00.

For TIMED: Will reset at 2023-09-04 15:00:00.

  • sell-limits: Same as buy-limits, but use for sell.

  • buy-cooldown-mode: Set product purchase cooldown mode. Unlike limits, cooldown is refreshed after each purchase. Optional.

  • buy-cooldown-time: Set product purchase cooldown. Optional.

  • sell-cooldown-mode: Set product sell cooldown mode. Unlike limits, cooldown is refreshed after each sell. Optional.

  • sell-cooldown-time: Set product sell cooldown. Optional.


Shops can add buttons which has custom actions when player clicks it, view Menus page for more info.

Different from single thing's give-actions and item's buy-actions/sell-actions

  • give-actions only executed when the single thing is used and give to player. buy-actions/sell-actions will always executed when player successfully buy or sell the item.

  • give-actions's {amount} placeholder will return the single price/product amount, buy-actions/sell-actions will return the amount player buy or sell the item in this time. For example, player sell 64x apple, and obtain 100 coins by this, give-actions's {amount} placeholder will return 100, and buy-actions/sell-actions will return 64.

Dynamic Value

You can set dynamic value in buy-prices, sell-prices section's amount option and buy-limits, sell-limits section's value in shop configs.

Also in buy-prices and sell-prices section, you can set new 2 options:

  • max-amount: Price max amount, useful for dynamic prices. Optional.

  • min-amount: Price min amount, useful for dynamic prices. Optional.

Please carefully note that if you want to use our PlaceholderAPI extansion's placeholder, you have to use our new format, for example:

        economy-plugin: Vault
        amount: '15 - {sell-times-player} * 0.1 + %ultimateshop_farming_B_sell-times-player% * 0.1'
        # We use the new format without { and } symbol.
        placeholder: '{amount}$'
        start-apply: 0

Additionally, you need to set to true if the related to product is also in the menu you opened. Otherwise this price won't auto update after you sell B product.

Alternative Options

  • products.XXX.conditions can be replaced by products-conditions section.

  • buy(sell)-prices.XXX.conditions can be replaced by buy(sell)-prices-conditions section.

For example,

        material: REDSTONE
        amount: 1
        type: placeholder
        placeholder: '{random_daily-1}'
        rule: '=='
        value: 'A'

is same as:

        material: REDSTONE
        amount: 1
            type: placeholder
            placeholder: '{random_daily-1}'
            rule: '=='
            value: 'A'

Last updated