
Built-in Placeholders List

PlaceholderDisplay InfoWhere can use


Display Shop ID (filename).

Message File Actions


Display Shop Display Name.

Shop Menu Actions


Display Shop Menu ID.



Display Product ID.

Message File


Display shop or sell amount.

Message File Actions Price placeholder option


Show whether now price is greatter or less than base price. Only use for dynamic price.

Price placeholder option


Display Purchased Items Name.

Message File


Display Menu ID.

Message File


Display Buy/Sell price.

Message File


Display Buy/Sell limits.

Message File


Display Buy/Sell times.

Message File


Display Product Reset Refresh Time or Cooldown Refresh Time.

Message File


See above.

Display Item Add Lore PlaceholderAPI Support


See above.

Display Item Add Lore PlaceholderAPI Support


See above.

Display Item Add Lore PlaceholderAPI Support amount option


See above.

Display Item Add Lore PlaceholderAPI Support


See above.

Display Item Add Lore PlaceholderAPI Support


See above.

Display Item Add Lore PlaceholderAPI Support


See above. xxx is same as buy, like {sell-limit-playe}

See above.


See above. xxx is same as player, like {buy-limit-server}

See above.


View Buy Price Status

Display Item Add Lore


View Sell Price Status

Display Item Add Lore


Display product display name

Display Item Add Lore PlaceholderAPI Support


Use random placeholder. For more info, please view Random page.

Anywhere in plugin PREMIUM


View random placeholder refresh time.

Anywhere in plugin PREMIUM


Use discount placeholder. For more info, please view Discount page.

Anywhere in plugin PREMIUM


Compare 2 numbers. Result format can be changed in config.yml file.

Anywhere in plugin PREMIUM


Calculate the math string you put. Like {math_10+50} will print 60. Require you enable math.enabled option in config.yml file. You can set result scale at placeholder.math.scale option.

Anywhere in plugin

PlaceholderAPI Support

All built-in placeholders above that has PlaceholderAPI Support tag can be used in PlaceholderAPI expansion:

Use %ultimateshop_<shopID>_<productID>_<builtInPlaceholder>% to display built-in placeholder outsite of the plugin!

For example:


Start from 2.5.6 version, you don't need put {} symbol into builtInPlaceholder arg, new format example, if you want to use this placeholderapi in our plugin, you have to use this new format becuase we will auto parse built-in placeholder into the value, this new format can avoid this:


For random and discount placeholder, you don't need specife the shop and the product, just put the placeholder after ultimateshop. For example:


This don't support remove {} symbol.

New Line Symbol

Use ;; symbol if you want to start a new line, this is very useful for some people want to display price in multi lines.

    split-symbol-any: ';;' # <--- Changed this in config.yml
    split-symbol-all: ';;' # <--- Changed this in config.yml
    unknown: "Unknown"

Last updated